Excellence in Piano Education

Technique. Theory. Musicality. Confidence.


About Mary & the Studio





Mary George teaches fundamental skills for lifelong musicality to students at all levels in the Ann Arbor area. She motivates and engages piano students through diverse activities in an environment that is challenging yet supportive.

With decades of experience and undergraduate and Masters degrees in music from the University of Michigan, she uses a structured curriculum that integrates technique, theory, sight reading, ear training, composition, and musical expression. One-on-one piano lessons are supplemented by informal monthly performance classes and recitals.

For those students who are interested, Mary also offers opportunities to perform at National Federation as well as Michigan Music Teachers Association events. She is also frequently invited to judge for these events, a testament to her expertise and skill. Finally, students also have the opportunity to provide community service by performing at nursing homes.

She invites you and your family to meet with her for an interview.


Contact Mary

Student Testimonials






“Mary is the kind of instructor that not only teaches, but inspires. Coming from the perspective of a student with over ten years of piano experience as well as the instruction of three different teachers, I highly recommend Mary George for anyone who wants to learn piano.”


“Mary really takes the time to get to know her students on an individual basis, discovering what their strengths are and what they need to work on.  She is patient yet encouraging.  She herself is very talented, coming from a strong musical-educational background.  She gives me confidence and builds me up in a way that I never want to stop playing music!”


“Mary kept piano lessons interesting, fresh, and even fun–I was continually presented with new challenges that kept me on my toes and improving, yet I found Mary’s studio helped me to relieve stress amidst the hectic second half of high school.”